Float Like Water

Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way around or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves.

Inspired by the SORTA HQ mission, we set out to create a piece that would bring out everyones greatness whenever they looked at it. SORTA HQ is a dojo where you push yourself beyond what you thought was possible and it is disguised as a powerlifting gym.

We chose the legacies of Bruce lee and Muhammad Ali to serve as the reminder that the journey to being the best version of yourself is never ending. Using their dedication to developing their athleticism as foundational building blocks, their impact transcended their respective bodies of work and created an impression in social impact that would last generations. They showed us something that we’ve never seen before with a showman’s flare that can only be achieved through mastery. Their ideas and philosophies will outlast their physical achievements as they continue to teach us from beyond the grave.


Los Angeles Muralist Duo


Los Cuatros Rumbos
